Educational systems


A person with an evolving conscience can see with objectivity that educational systems are in place to guaranty people's mind in control to allow to dominate creating deep habits that hold human beings to choose the life they desire. It's not the education that's unhealthy, but the relational values transmitted from generation to generation.



It's the interests of those with the power that counts, not the interests of those who go at school. So these systems sacrifice people, you and me, to put importance on these systems. We therefore work to make the systems work instead of being the systems that work for us. Those "systems" are important for those at the power and those who work for it, because their personal interest is in game... so they'll do anything to let their security survive. What's more important, the systems or the people? How many kids got sacrificed for the system? And those systems, what do they teach? The teach to imitate instead of creating, they teach how to be better than another instead of learning them to work together, to respect adults instead of everyone, to submit to authorities instead of the authority to be servable, to get favour treatments instead of being fair, to win instead of loving, to be right instead of understanding.

Did educational systems become only a big business to simply protect people's job security making us think lies that it's for our good? Work for someone, is that for are good? Being insulted and criticized, is that for our good? Put importance on those who have good notes (good memory in fact, not intelligence...), is that for our good? Being jealous and looking to destroy are next ones, is that for our good?

If you'd love your kids, you wouldn't send to school to reduce them as slaves to the profit of those who don't have any personal esteem, people with authority. School is the biggest curse on this planet, as much as religions and politics.


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