Added value of a business


When we make a business decision, we have to consider a essential factor, the one about added value. In our days, mangers (employees) talk about added value, but their actions show the opposite, because the aren't conscious about what means adding value to a business. If we increase the expenses, do we add value to the business?



To simplify things, their are three domains that bring value to a business :

1- Looking for new customers

2- Actual customer's satisfaction

3- Reduce expenses


If you think that there exists a value in another domain, it's because you have no personal experience in what is profitable for a business. The staff management doesn't add value, but contributes in creating more expenses for a manager's job security. We are convinced that rare are managers who have annual projects in these three domains to allow to add value to the business, so no direct action, only words. So, that type of managers doesn't bring any value to the business and it's time to get rid of them...


Personal business profitability solutions

Your business profitability is the result concerning your actions in three domains of a business added value. Whatever the domain, we have effective solutions to allow you to realize your dream with us.