Schedule salary


When we exchange our liberty for a pay check, we then receive an hour salary according to what the market told us how much we are worth. A salary grid is then created and employers pay their employees according to this chart. The evaluation of people is difficult to do because it’s often composed of subjective and emotional elements, so to prevent judgements, businesses have adopted to pay people with a schedule salary ( in hours. In days, in weeks, in months or in years). So you’re paid not how much you’re worth and how much you work, but how much time you’ve been there. Why be totally dependent of a job?

An hour or schedule paid work is a job in which you have no control by being at the orders of others that can fire you without reasons and it’s the same for a career or profession because we put too much time into it so we create a misbalance. On another side, launching a business without quitting a job or profession contributes in reducing time and increasing incomes with the multiplication of your goods and therefore be freer.



Financial profitability solutions

The diversification of your incomes is a useful way to create an income security. Consult our pages concerning gross and net salary to obtain more information or a salary payment for your complements concerning different salaries.