Salary insurance


Unemployment isn’t only the affair of others, but with the actual situation, your chance of being fired is strongly increasing. Salary insurance is often a protection we pay on our gross salary in order to assure ourselves of a incomes if something arrives at our work. A percentage is then offered (like 66%) according to a given period (like 6 months) in order for us to survive. If you hade difficulties with 100% of your salary, imagine with 66%? You really desire salary insurance for your protection? Then why not launch your business so you won’t have to worry anymore about losing your job.

To work for another person as an employee and being paid a salary is risky with the numerous job losses and even the raises are rare because they aren’t given according to you merits but with the annual inflation and if you have a profession, then you see that time is rare for you and your family. On another side, launching a business without quitting a job or profession contributes in reducing time and increasing incomes with the multiplication of your goods and therefore be freer.



Financial profitability solutions

The diversification of your incomes is a useful way to create an income security. Consult our pages concerning minimum salary to obtain more information or a salary bonus for your complements concerning different salaries.