Minimum salary - Why not a maximum too?


Why not impose a maximum salary to the employees? Ironic isn’t it? Frame employees and politicians, who are also frame employees of the State, impose a minimum salary, but why not impose a maximum salary to the businesses which are also employees? The answer is found in their selfishness, their personal interest only. If you have your own business, then you can generate incomes in freedom according to what you offer to people, but a business president or minister isn’t an entrepreneur, but a simple employee that doesn’t have the initiative to arrive to his selfish ends, he uses fear, because he doesn’t act. Thus, the entrepreneur and his free business are basic aspects of any democracy…

An hour or schedule paid work is a job in which you have no control by being at the orders of others that can fire you without reasons and it’s the same for a career or profession because we put too much time into it so we create a misbalance. In other ways, starting a project or a business with leaving a work allows to manage better your time and improve your financial situation, by consequence, pass more time with your family or yourself.



Financial profitability solutions

The diversification of your incomes is a useful way to create an income security. Consult our pages concerning salary bonus to obtain more information or a salary schedule for your complements concerning different salaries.