The measures and the validation


When you act, you create a consequence called results. Without actions, no consequence is possible. Therefore, to measure the evolution of your results, you must absolutely measure the periodic goals in order to adjust yourself concerning your actions and take decisions rapidly. Many actions won't produce the desired results, but these decisions will allow you to evolve knowing what doesn't work.

The conscience is to know what doesn't work so we therefore know what will work. The joy lies in the fact of choosing freely and being wrong so you can choose again.



Your dream becomes reality

A dream is something that doesn't exist for the moment and we have the power to create it from nothing at all. But if we create according to teachings, then it isn't our dream but the others. Creation comes from our quest of preventive solutions and on this page, we haven't wrote down preventive solutions, we have done it deliberately because if we would have wrote down solutions, we would be contradicting are writings here.


Personal business profitability solutions

Your business profitability is the result concerning your actions in three domains of a business added value. Whatever the domain, we have effective solutions to allow you to realize your dream with us.