Freedom of choice


Our nature is about freedom and not about the lack of freedom. It's impossible to choose, if at first there aren't any choices. Therefore, since our birth, our predecessors didn't understand anything about it so we came to the world in an environment of control, of manipulation, of slavery, of guiltiness and fear. A free choice is according to information that we can have depending on points of vu, different observations. Where is the freedom of choice if we get punished when we do something different? This brings beliefs that prevent us from living the type of life we choose so we live a second hand life, the kind of life depending on other people's desires to satisfy their dominating power to make other act with fear and guiltiness, which is what love and freedom isn't.



If everybody has been conditioned to go to school, to have a good job, a good boss, a house, a wife or husband and a nice retirement so therefore individually realize ourselves, were is the freedom of choice? It's essential to see life like it is instead of looking at it like it should be... because what we know concerning what it should be, is simply what we already know, so the past continues continually. In fact, it's the fear of living something new and stay comfortable in a past security.

To realize ourselves individually is the cause of our problems because this brings divisions everywhere in the world. But the person who wants to create his business can observe that this isn't working because without others, how can you live a financial freedom? An employee is only preoccupied to receive his salary, if the business makes incomes or not, he doesn't care because the only thing that counts for him is his job security. The government's employees don't care at all because their salary are guaranteed, so there isn't any comprehension of what a customer, human being, is. They are isolated in their small world and builds himself a wall, sometimes, he looks over the wall. He builds his wall to protect himself instead of being lovable with others


Unconsciousness is the cause of lack of love and freedom

The unconsciousness of choosing is so deep in our habits that just taking conscience of it is a remarkable realization. This is what we came to do on this planet, take conscience of ourselves and without the existent of unconsciousness, consciousness couldn't exist. This conscience is according to three things : the thought, the word and the action. Since people are scared of doing new things, they condemn their selves to never do any complete and new experiences to evolve.


Solutions to create a business

If you are living in an employee environment, it will be difficult for you to create your business listening at people around you. You'll have all the excuses to not create your business and these excuses won't be to hurt you, but are their own excuses to stay a slave for others. Contact us to create together your business and never let someone destroy your dreams.