Financial ledger book


What counts for a contractor or a business owner is the use of his own accounting ledger book by writing everything that comes in and out concerning money. It's also necessary to have and to keep all proof pieces in order (by date) to able to prove to anyone you need to show it, the accounting of your business.

It's also a must to insert accounts (bank or other) that will be used for the incomes and outcomes. Finally, each end of month you can calculate all the incomes and outcomes in order to make your monthly financial balance.




Our free ledger book

We present to you an example of a ledger book to allow you to use it right now and to make your own accounting with simplicity. Many use the Excel format but it's easier to use with Word format, because many people use easily this software. You only have to add lines by the top when needed, not by the bottom.

If this looks easy, the truth is, accounting is simple, accountants and teachers makes accounting look difficult to make us think we need them.

The basics of anything having success is simplicity.


                   Ledger book in Word format