Profession salary


The danger with a profession is to be paid by salary and to lose your freedom instead of working for yourself with your customers. If you have experience in your profession, then don’t exchange your time for money because you’ll be limited in time (24h/day) and never you’ll live satisfied of your work.

An hour or schedule paid work is a job in which you have no control by being at the orders of others that can fire you without reasons and it’s the same for a career or profession because we put too much time into it so we create a misbalance. In revenge, to have more money and time we must use the time of others and offer something useful to people with the creation of a business and a system that works for you.



Financial profitability solutions

The diversification of your incomes is the ideal solution to create a financial security and consult our following pages concerning an apprentice salary to obtain complementary information or even a retirement salary by example.