Classing expenses in categories


By classing each expenses in a category, you can easily see how much you spend in each budgetary section. You’ll know in which category you can easily progress. Do you spend too much in restaurants when you’d prefer spend more in trips? Does your house really hurt your budget and would be better to move? Would you save up 10% of your incomes? You can choose as much categories as you wish, the best is to stay simple and do what works for you.


Here are examples of categories to offer more possibilities:


INCOMES: Salary, Bonuses, Social benefits, Other.

FIX EXPENSES: Rent, Taxes, Insurances, Loan on real property, Education, Subscription, Other.

DAILY EXPENSES: Food, Clothes, Health, Hygiene, Transport, Other.

OCCASIONAL EXPENSES: Household, Activities, Gifts, Vacations, Other.

SAVINGS: Do not forget this category where you write down every penny saved.


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- The choices of tools.

- The list of your monthly expenses.