Our blog - 2008







Human's favourite activity : Waiting

Nov 6th 2008. Observe instead of putting a judgement and you'll see around you that human's favourite activity is waiting. Wait what? Human's favourite activity : waiting...


Problem resolution

Nov 3rd 2008. What' a problem by the way and why are we avoiding them, directly facing them? Everyone desires not to have any problems. Problem resolution...


Business financial accounting

Nov 1st 2008. A personal management of financial accounting is a must for each owner to allow him to have a complete vu of his business's financial situation. Financial accounting...


Durable and passionate business creation

October 14 2008. Why are surrounded by people who work for someone else, for a boss or a government, as well as bosses and politicians work for someone else. Durable business creation...


Business management

October 13 2008. If you are owner of a personal business or a SME, then you know that management is something that is more and more complicated and doesn't bring any more value to the business. Business management...


General and simplified accounting

October 12 2008. For many contractors, the financial accounting is a really difficult domain, that they have to hire an employee to compensate and therefore reduce benefits. General accounting...


Natural referencing for its popularity

October 11 2008. The action to realize a popularity or positioning of Website pages in search bots is called referencing. Natural referencing...


Adsense is the basics of success for a business on the Net

October 10 2008. For 5 years now, Adsense brings me important incomes in the online publicity domain and I remember very well. Adsense and success...


Website positioning in search bots

October 10 2008. Too many people think having a Website brings automatically customers and visitors who will buy their products and services. Website positioning...